IFB invests regularly in infrastructure upgradation to maintain its leadership in technology.

All of the Fine Blanking presses are supported by excellent, up-to-date tool room infrastructure comprising Jig Boring, Jig Grinding, CNC Wire Cut Machines and Special Milling Machine for Ring Groove Machining.

IFB's engineers are specialised in tool design, tool making and manufacturing systems and their skillsets are constantly upgraded in the field through training and exposure to customer needs.

The tool design section is supported by a CAE Station to optimise design. The organisation carries out advanced computerised stress analysis to find solutions to customers' issues.

The Company deploys high quality utility services, material handling and storage systems to ensure reliability in production systems and achieve a high degree of productivity.

IFB practises advanced workshop management systems for continuous improvement.

IFB's manufacturing process

  • Customer Inputs
  • Benchmark Data
  • Product Reliability Studies
  • History
Product Design & Development
  • Design Goals
  • Reliability and Quality Goals
  • Preliminary BOM, PFC, SCs & CCs List
Process Design & Development
  • Design Reviews & Verification
  • Prototype Builds
  • Control Plan Engineering Drawings and Specifications
  • Facilities Planning
  • Team Feasibility Commitment
Feedback, Assessment, Correction
  • Production Trial Run
  • MSA, SPC, PV Testing
  • Packaging Evaluation
  • Production Control Plan
  • PPAP & PSW Sign Off
Product & Process Validation
  • Process Flow Chart
  • Floor Plan Layout
  • Pre-launch Control Plan
  • SOP, MSA, SPC Packaging Specifications

  • Reduced Variation
  • Better Customer Satisfaction
  • Efficient Delivery and Service
  • Reduced Variation
  • Better Customer Satisfaction
  • Efficient Delivery and Service
Product & Process Validation
  • Process Flow Chart
  • Floor Plan Layout
  • Pre-launch Control Plan
  • SOP, MSA, SPC Packaging Specifications
Feedback, Assessment, Correction
  • Production Trial Run
  • MSA, SPC, PV Testing
  • Packaging Evaluation
  • Production Control Plan
  • PPAP & PSW Sign Off